UAE Petrowatch

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Developer: Incubasys IT Solutions

UAE Petrowatch will keep you up-to-date with the current retail prices of fuel in United Arab Emirates. As the UAE fuel prices are deregulated, the Ministry of Energy will post changes of fuel prices monthly starting August 2015.
Additional Features
-Provides update retail price of fuel (Unleaded Gasoline 98, Unleaded Gasoline 95, Gasoline E plus 91, Gas Oil/Diesel)
-Shows the fuel stations near you.
-Calculate the cost of a full tank of fuel based on current prices
-count down until the next fuel price change
Credits: Developed by Incubasys IT Solutions. An Initiative by Sulaiman, Ibrahim, Salman, Umar, Fahad, Adnan, Ameen, Arsalan, Azeem, Basit, Deepak, Habib, Harsh, Hassan, Fiaz, Mudassir, Saad, Sajid, Samad, Umair Talha and Silent Zain.
Support UAE Environmental initiative and burn fuel wisely!